Poison Signs

  • Customer Parking with Custom Wording Sign


Customer Parking with Custom Wording Sign


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With the signature skull-and-crossbones image, Poison Signs are universally recognized throughout the culture. Whether you’re born and raised in the United States or a country as far from American norms as you can get, you know that this symbol means DANGER. And when used in the context of medicines, chemicals, or gases, it is used to warn people that the consumption or inhalation of these chemicals could be fatal. Thousands of people are hospitalized or killed through accidental poisonings every year in this country, so it is your responsibility as a business owner or safety manager to make sure all of your dangerous conditions are labeled appropriately. With Poison Signs from American Sign Letters, you can feel confident that you’ve taken the proper precautions against hazards in the workplace.

Save Lives
While accidental poisonings do not always lead to death, they seldom have good outcomes. At the very least, sickness will ensue, and this will often lead to serious illness and hospitalization. If the treatment doesn’t come quickly enough (or the poison is too strong), the incident could end in a fatality. This has the potential to be disastrous for your business, to say nothing of your own mental state. It could also lead to lawsuits and criminal charges. There’s no reason to take chances with hazardous materials, especially when you can buy affordable Poison Signs right here at American Sign Letters. This may not successfully prevent every possible tragedy, but it can at least ensure that you’ve covered your bases as far as liability and responsibility are concerned.

Easily Identified
When it comes to Poison Signs, you don’t want to take chances on miscommunication. Our signs are designed to be instantly recognizable, even for those who speak another language or are too young to read. This is an important consideration, especially if you work in an industry that employs foreign-language speakers or in a retail environment where children are sometimes present. Poison Signs aren’t a cure-all in terms of blanketing your business with safety, but they are an essential component of any serious safety program.

Effective Graphics
OSHA recommends that any toxic materials be labeled with the skull and crossbones imagery. Not only is this expected by the general public, a 1986 survey found that this graphic is the one most likely to have the desired result. When you purchase Poison Signs from American Sign Letters, you’re getting a product that promises results – and when you’re dealing with a subject this serious, you can’t afford anything less.