Satin white Art per file supplied Stud mount 1” thick Text: The Inquirer and Mirror (5.23 ” high) Text: Nantucket Times (5.14” high) Text: Nantucket Journal (7.66 ” high) Text: CURRENT (5.98” high) Text: N Magazine (7.67” high) Text: The Daily Marder (6.05” high) Text: THE ISLANDER (3.65” high) 3/8” thick Text: THE TELEGRAPH (3” high) Text: DAILY TELEGRAPH (5.85” high) Text: ISLAND REVIEW (2.6” high) Text: Morning Telegraph (4.82” high) Text: NANTUCKET WEEKLY MIRROR (2.88” high) Text: THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH (2.83” high) Text: DAILY TELEGRAPH (1.6” high) Text: MARINE JOURNAL (2.27” high) Text: YESTERDAY’S ISLAND (3.45” high) Text: Independent (5.58” high) Text: NANTUCKET MIRROR (3.45” high) Text: NANTUCKET GAZETTE (2.48 ” high) Text: NANTUCKET WEEKLY MAGAZINE (2.87” high) Text: Nantucket Beacon (3.3” high) Text: THE NANTUCKET LIGHT (2.58” high) Text: THE INQUIRER (3.49” high) Text: THE BILL OF FARE (4” high) YES – Installation pattern Free shipping (contiguous US) Total: $9,337.38

