One Way Signs

In most American traffic scenarios, cars flow both ways on the road, separated by a yellow line. Sometimes this yellow line is dotted, leaving motorists free to pass on the left when the coast is clear, and sometimes it is solid, indicating that drivers are in a no-passing zone. In either case, drivers have to maintain awareness of the lane to their left, where motorists will be passing in the opposite direction.

The same is not true, of course, for roads that only flow in one direction. It’s important to post One Way Signs whenever a driver is getting ready to turn onto a one-way street from its two-way counterpart. The rules of the road change dramatically for both scenarios, and drivers need to be made alert to these changes. The most significant one is that they may not be able to travel in the direction they expected. In these cases, One Way signs can (and in some instances, should) be accompanied by Do Not Enter signs and Wrong Way signs that make the message even more explicit.

One Way Signs: Regulatory Traffic Signage

One Way Signs are denoted as regulatory signs by the MUTCD, the traffic control standard handbook for all of the United States. When drivers see this sign or any other signage of this classification, they are to obey the message without question. When in violation, drivers are subject to fines, tickets, arrests, and even the permanent loss of their licenses. These punishments are brought to bear because of the serious consequences of ignoring a One Way sign. One Way signs can usually be recognized by their black lettering against a black and white background. They will usually be paired with white lines that keep the lanes separated (but still flowing in the same direction).

How One Way Streets Can Improve Area Safety

One Way signs must be used when creating one-way streets, but why are one-way streets a thing in the first place? Isn’t it much more efficient to keep lanes flowing in both directions? The answer is: Not always. One way streets can actually reduce the amount of traffic congestion in a heavily-trafficked area; drivers, after all, aren’t getting in each other’s way as they swing into businesses and residences along the roadway. It can also prove to be a safer environment for pedestrians and bicyclists who now only need to worry about cars coming from a single direction. One Way signs aren’t just useful for public roadways, though; they are often used to great effect in parking lot aisles as well.

Your Place for One Way Signs

At American Sign Letters, we take pride in providing customers with high-quality traffic signs that meet or exceed the standards set forth by federal regulators. Not only do our One Way signs comply with the law, they are built to last with materials that stand up to the elements, year after year. If you’re debating about where to buy your One Way signs, give our shop a chance and see why we have the most loyal customers in the industry!