Business Banner

When you want to take your company’s marketing to the next level, a Business Banner is an effective and affordable way to do it. Whether you’re interested in a banner promoting the grand opening of your store or one you can hang out by the road to attract drivers to your place of business, you can find everything you need right here at American Sign Letters. We specialize in helping companies of all sizes find marketing solutions that will increase sales, drive traffic to your establishment, and turn idle browsers into buyers ASAP. We are fanatics for custom-made displays, and we’re ready to work with you to turn your logos and branding colors into a Business Banner that pops.

Draw People Into Your Store or Restaurant

You might be surprised at how effective a Business Banner can be when it comes to drawing people into your store or restaurant. We are inundated with advertisements from the moment we wake up until we go to sleep; how will a simple banner cut through the noise? Well, you don’t have to worry about reaching every single passerby. You don’t have to worry about attracting 80% of the drivers who fly by on the highway. You only need to worry about catching the eye of the 5-10% of people who are already subconsciously looking for a business like yours. If you can do that, you’ll have it made.

Advertise Sales

A Business Banner isn’t just about letting people know you exist. It’s also about marketing specific events and sales that get customers excited about giving your establishment a try. People love nothing more than to feel as though they’re getting a bargain! With the right combination of a healthy discount and a worthy product, you can have a bang-up day of sales that will pay for 29 days of slow business. And it’s not just about the sales you make during the promotional period; sales get new customers interested in and aware of your store, so you can turn them into long-term buyers as long as your business is ready for prime time when the doors open.

Promotion Through Sponsorship

Do you know a youth sports team that could use some help in the fundraising department? A Business Banner is a terrific way to promote your company! Talk to those in charge of the local school or rec center, and they may be open to letting you hang a promotional banner at their games in exchange for some cash. They get the ability to keep uniforms on the players, and you get the satisfaction of knowing that you’re contributing to positivity in your community. And after all is said and done, you’ll also get to advertise your business to a captive audience who will see your colors fly week after week.