Band Banners

It’s time to excite crowds, get people pumped up about your band, and spread the word about your musical endeavors. It’s time, in other words, for Band Banners that showcase your logo and style in a way that can’t be done via any other means. Go to any local concert – heck, we can include 99% of nationally-touring recording artists – and you’ll find that they have a banner hanging at the back of the stage. Sometimes these banners are simple, including only the band’s name and perhaps a minimalist logo. Sometimes they are huge and extravagant, usually in reflection of the group’s popularity. Either way, they instantly tell the crowd what they’re in for, spread awareness of the band’s name, and do immeasurable good when it comes to outfitting the stage with the right ambiance. If you’re ready to hit the stage with a big bang, our Band Banners are a must-have!

The Promotional Juice You Need

It’s more difficult than ever for young bands to break out from the pack and get noticed by audiences. Thanks to home recording technology, sites like Bandcamp, and the democratization of downloads, the old model of playing on the Sunset Strip (or in Nashville bars) until you get noticed by a record label is all but dead. Now it’s up to the artists themselves to make their own fortunes, which usually entails a lot of touring and creative promotional strategies. Band Banners won’t complete your transformation into America’s next rock sensation, but they can play an invaluable role in helping you get the word out about your music.

Perfect for Opening Acts

In the old days, bands often had to rely on (at best) a specially designed kick drum to advertise their name to the crowd, most of whom were there not to see them but to watch the headliners. Audiences would often stream out of the bar or arena, not quite sure who they saw before the main act, even if they happened to like them. Don’t let this happen to your band. Whether you’re opening for a major recording artist or a local band at the bowling alley, it’s up to you to make sure that everyone in attendance knows your name. With a great Band Banner, you’re taking your fate back from the hands of chance and back into your own control!

Band Banners for Every Genre

Whether you play rock, pop, country, electronic music, or death metal, we can design a Band Banner that showcases your group in the best possible light. We’ve got graphics and colors that work well for any genre of music, and we’re capable of taking your original designs and turning them into a banner that shines. Give us a call today for a quote on an original piece, or look at our existing templates to see if you can find something that will help your band stand out from the pack. Stage setting is an important aspect of making it in the world of live music, so don’t let something as simple and affordable as a Band Banner hold you back from your potential!