Fire Signs





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With lightweight, durable Fire Signs from American Sign Letters, you can come into compliance with NFPA codes, bar entry to certain areas, and ensure that some doors remain closed at all times. These signs are an essential part of fire safety – important for any business that works with flammable materials, hazardous chemicals, or anything else that could carry a fire or explosion danger. These signs aren’t the alpha and omega of fire safety, of course, but they are a crucial component of an overall plan to limit risks and protect workers, guests, and property. A fire can be expensive in terms of damage and loss; Fire Signs are an affordable way to reduce that damage before it happens.

— Easy to put up and long-lasting
— Lightweight, durable signs that make a difference
— Built to last and designed with climate resistance in mind
— Clear, legible, and professional
— Affordable and available with inexpensive, fast shipping

Mitigate Disaster
Few natural elements can create as much havoc in as short a time as an uncontrolled fire. People have lost homes, businesses, and even their very lives to fire. Entire forests – and communities – have burned. Some of these destructive fires started in completely innocuous ways but quickly grew to become out-of-control infernos. This is not an element you want to mess around with, especially if you have highly flammable materials inside your building. It is essential to keep these flammable materials and chemicals behind a heavy door that remains closed at all times. Remind your employees to practice this safety technique with Fire Signs posted on every relevant door.

Compliant With Fire Codes
The NFPA requires that walls, floors, and ceilings be protected from the spread of fire and smoke, and inspectors will come down hard on any business seen to be playing fast and loose with these codes. If you work with dangerous chemicals or liquids that could go up in flame (or create a devastating explosion), you must be completely sure that you are following fire safety codes to the letter. This means outfitting your building with the right alarms and equipment so that you are prepared to stop a fire as soon as it starts. It also means making liberal use of Fire Signs so that your staff knows exactly what to do in the event of an outbreak.

Placing Your Fire Signs
In addition to requiring that Fire Signs be posted on all relevant doors, the NFPA also mandates how the signs should be placed. As a business owner, you’ll want to carefully familiarize yourself with these requirements. By purchasing Fire Signs from American Sign Letters, you can rest easy knowing that the signs themselves are compliant with mandates put out by fire code officials. They can also be put up using adhesive materials as required by the NFPA. Signs from other companies may be too heavy, forcing you to use screws and nails, which may void your Fire Signs and put you out of compliance. Don’t take that chance – buy your Fire Signs from us today!