Product Price Total
× Acrylic 1/2" thick Brilliant gold Plain mount Text: SOFE AUCTIONS (14" high) Text: LOGO (mallet logo, ring border, SOFE AUCTIONS) 20.1”H x 21.21”W YES stencil Free shipping (contiguous US) Total: $1,447.71 $1,447.71 $1,447.71
× Acrylic 1/4" thick Font: TBD Text: LOGO (UPS logo - 18" diameter - brown acrylic with UV printed detail) (stud mount flush) Text: FLINT CIRCLE OF HONOR (6" high) black (double sided tape) Installation pattern Free shipping (contagious US) Total: $324.61 $324.61 $324.61
× Acrylic (8 foot width) ½” thick Custom font Pigmented black Mounting: TBD Text: SUPERIOR (12.8” high) Text: AUTOMOTIVE GROUP (4” high) Installation pattern Free Shipping (contiguous US) Total: $606.99 $606.99 $606.99
× 30 foam insert cutouts -- Gorilla Ammo $600.00 $600.00
× Acrylic 1/4" thick Custom font Double sided tape Custom color: PMS 541 (blue) Text: OUR STATEMENT OF NOBLE PURPOSE: (1.86" high) Text: We care about our guests and the impact we make on their lives. (3" high) Stencil guide Free shipping (contiguous US) Total: $630.60 $630.60 $630.60
× Acrylic ... 1/4" thick... QTY: 2 Text: Gloss Bar (commercial script – red – stud mount with ½” spacer) 4” high (1 of 2) 200.00 of 207.36 $200.00 $200.00
× Acrylic 1” thick 16” high Stud mount PMS 467 Font: Tomorrow Semibold QTY: 1 Text: BEAT NAVY Installation pattern Free shipping (contiguous US) Total: $1,162.31 Acrylic 1” thick 8” high Stud mount PMS 467 Font: Tomorrow Semibold QTY: 1 Text: SING SECOND Installation pattern Free shipping (contiguous US) Total: $633.99 TOTAL FOR BOTH $1796.30 $1,796.30 $1,796.30
× Acrylic 1/4" thick 4" high Plain NO mounting Ivory Times Bold Text: 2441 NO pattern Free Shipping (contiguous US) Total: $36.00 $36.00 $36.00
× Acrylic 1/4” thick 8.5” high Avant Extra Bold Black Stud mount with ½” spacer Text: 90 92 94 96 Installation pattern FREE SHIPPING (contiguous US) $164.81 $164.81 $164.81
× Acrylic White 18” High Times New Roman 3/8” Thick Stud mount with pads Text :  Text :  QTY: 2 of each (4 sets total) Installation pattern FREE shipping contiguous US Total : $981.51 $981.51 $981.51
× 4 Double Sided Yard Signs (Including Stakes)...Font: Adrianna Demibold...Color(s) : White background with black lettering....Text : DONALD TRUMP / YOUR FIRED $51.60 $51.60
× Acrylic 1/4” thick No mounting Custom painted colors (you will need to provide PMS or Pantone colors) Text: STETSON (12” high) Text: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (4” high) Text: LOGO (two piece logo – 19.6”H x 32”W – two custom colors) Pattern Free Shipping (continental US) $900.00 $900.00
× Acrylic 1/4" thick 6" high Painted black (MATTE) Font: Arial Bold Stud mounting Text: H O M E Installation pattern Free shipping (contiguous US) Total: $60.99 $60.99 $60.99