Qty: 2…. Aluminum backer panel Backer panel circle per art-countersunk holes for assembling the ring, arrow, and C to face of panels per art. 1/4” thick Stud mount PMS 9C …Text: circle (17.25” diameter) Aluminum-Countersunk assembly to back of panel 1/4” thick Stud Mount Natural Brush Finish Text: Circle (17.25” diameter) arrow (6.25” H x 11.05” W) C (7.9” H x 6.31” W) Qty: 3 Aluminum backer panel Backer panel circle per art-countersunk holes for assembling the ring, arrow, and C to face of panels per art 1/4” thick Stud mount…PMS 9C…Text: circle (6.5” diameter) Aluminum-Countersunk assembly to back of panel 1/4” thick Stud Mount Natural Brush Finish Text: Circle (6.5” diameter) arrow (2.33” H x 4.16” W) C (2.97” H x 2.38” W) …..Installation Pattern Included